Last week someone in a Facebook group I belong to asked a question that made the rest of us sit up and take notice.

The question was, "Does my arm look like a turkey leg?"

And you guys, it totally did.

It turns out this is intentional; Rachel here is dressing up as Thanksgiving Dinner for an upcoming marathon. So the next time you need a pick-me-up, just think of Rachel, running around in public, dressed as a giant turkey dinner.


And the next time you see a turkey cake, remember this oh-so-seamless segue:


Does this look like a turkey leg?

'Cuz it's their "specialty."



How 'bout this one?


Ahh, but nothing beats this beauty:

'Tis the season... to run screaming from the bakery!


Rest assured Rachel will be way ahead of us... wearing shoes with pies on them:

Have I mentioned Rachel is my hero?


Thanks to Amanda G., Emily J., Amy O., Bucklebee, & Rachel, who I'm sure would never forgive me if I didn't include the most appropriate Joey gif of all:

You're welcome.


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