Friday Favs 12/9/16
Some of my favorite new submissions this week:
They asked for cupcakes with the Batman logo:
Sing it with me!
Na na na na na na na nana na na...
Renee wanted a number 18 on each of her cupcakes:
Which, technically, she kind of got?
How To Tell Your Baker Has Never Played Tetris:
Step 1: Order a Tetris Cake Step
2: Get this:
Only a true prefessional can spot the oh-so-subtle signs of a bakery cleaning out their flotsam bin:
And finally, I just found your new ice breaker for parties:
If you guessed "a baby in a crib wearing a Christening gown" then, well, let's be honest: there's no way you guessed that.
Silvia, I'd say next time just order the pacifier design, but only because we all know how that'd end up, and I have some great puns lined up for it. [evil grin]
Thanks to Bridget L., Renee D., Emily B., Kida, & Silvia L. for rockin' the cradle of "you've-gotta-be-kidding-me." Now quick, everyone, go print out that cookie picture for your next holiday party!
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