Friday Favs 7/8/16

Some of my favorite new submissions this week:


Just think: this is the *fixed* version.


Which makes me feel like I should post this as a follow-up:

If you made the same leap and "got" this, congraderatiocs, you're on the internet too much. (We should probably be friends.)



Gah. Hate it when that happens.


I may not know what this is supposed to be, you guys, but I bet it's the "Jumbo Size."

Lemme guess. Decorated for her pleasure.


And finally, Olympic fever is spreading fast, minions, so be on the lookout! Symptoms include a sudden, intense passion for obscure sporting events, general confusion, and seeing large, colorful spots:

Don't let this happen to you!


After all, it's much funnier when it happens to a friend.

Now, who wants to debate the best strategies for water polo?


Thanks to David G., Dawn M., Amy R., Nate T., Tara M., & Julie S. for the excuse to post an old CW classic again.


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