11 Gingerbread Houses To Make You Drool

Buckle up, Sweets fans, 'cuz I'm about to show you the best gingerbread house creations in all of the interwebz - and you're going to want all of them.

(By Goodies By Anna)

Sugar glass windows, candy cane porch pillars, and teeny-tiny chocolate sunflower seed flowers. These are the things dream homes are made of, my friends.


Or maybe you're more of an urban high-rise type?

(Baker unknown)

FACT: Baby deer make the best doormen.


Or how about a spin on the open seas?

(Baker unknown)

In my mind, of course, the seas are made up of hot cocoa. MMMMM.


I've seen a couple of cookie vignettes before, but this one just blows me away:

(By Jeziba)

Look at that picture-perfect piping! And I love - LOVE - the tea light cut-out in the middle. Makes for such a gorgeous display.


Of course I had to include the gingerbread bakery, now, didn't I?

(Also by Goodies By Anna)

Check out the goodies in the windows! And the roof cresting on top is STUNNING. I assume it's made with royal icing, but to get it all installed without cracking? That's gotta be insanely hard.


Ok, time for a geeky side trip:

(By Debbie Ruff)

... to Hobbiton! (It's all about that round green door, am I right? Although I'm also loving the snow-covered trees.)


I am completely enamored with these colors...

(By Paradox Pastry)

 ...and that swirly chimney "smoke."


This gingerbread cottage looks straight out of Disney's Fantasyland:

(By Mary E. Found here)



See, now, I want to live in that cottage, but I want this one on my desk so I can stare at it all day:

(By Sassy Beautimus)

... right after I finish eating the roof.


And my very VERY favorite of hers:

(Also by Sassy Beautimus)

The girly squees are strong with this one.

Seriously, pastel rainbows and gingerbread brown are a match made in heaven.


And finally, the perfect traditional gingerbread house, with a heaping side of cozy goodness:

(Baker unknown. Anyone know?)


So, who else is off to buy a gingerbread house kit now? :)


Want more? Then check out my previous gingerbread Sweets for 2009, 2010, and 2011!


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