A 30-Year-Old Spoiler & Powdered Holes

If you think I'm touching this one with a ten-foot-pole...

Not. Saying. a WORD.


Let's try something a little less potentially controversial, k? Like some nice, pastel yellow, powdered holes.



Marketing Guy #1: "I dunno, is there some way we can make donut holes sound both unappetizing and vaguely pornographic?"

Marketing Guy #2: Oh! And oddly specific!


I don't want to spoil any plot points on a thirty year old movie or anything, guys, but that's a father and daughter on this misspelled divorce cake:



And finally, she asked for a princess carriage.

What she got was a whole lotta 'splainin' to do:

Awk. Waaaard.


Thanks to Crystal R., Jennifer B., Elizabeth A., Anony M., & Casey D. for giving new meaning to the phrase, "My baby's getting married!"


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And from my other blog, Epbot: