No No, Thank YOU, Canada
Today may be Columbus Day here in the U.S., but it's also Canadian Thanksgiving, so....
I kid, I kid.
After all, there's so much more to Canada's day of thanks than just drippy poo wangs.
There are also HUUUGE... tracts of pumpkins.
And Turkey Castles!
And... dead... scarecrows?
Whoa. Little dark, there, Canada.
Anyway, I just wanted to say how thankful *I* am for you, Canada, with your sweet people, your incredibly tolerant and forgiving sense of humor, and, of course, that adorable Canadian accent:
Now go gooble 'til ya wooble, you crazy kids.
Thanks to Steve G., Courtney W., Katheleine G., Michelle D., & Kyle S. who all hope Facebook doesn’t ban this one, too. O.o
And if you’ve ever wanted a Thanksgiving shirt with the Friends Turkey on it, well, I’ve got you covered.