Sunday Sweets Celebrates Dia De Los Muertos

The Day of the Dead - or Dia de los Muertos - is one of the most beautiful celebrations I've ever seen, and I love looking for these Sweets each year. Whether you celebrate or not, it's impossible not to be awed by beauties like this:


(Moxy, Mexico City)

And this!


(Sweet Jennie D)

I'm also partial to all the orange. :)

Sugar skull painting has to be the most cheerful art ever involving skeletons, and it's downright adorable in doggy cake form:


(Hot Mama's Cakes, California)


Day of the Dead is also a popular theme for wedding cakes, I would guess because of its emphasis on family - but also it looks amazing. Check out these sweet toppers where the happy couple included their pets:


(Featured here, baker unlisted. Anyone know?)

So sweet!

Of course if we're talking Dia de los Muertos cakes, we really should give Coco a shout-out:


(Asi tan Dulce, Pando)

Swoon. These colors!!

One more:


(Rountree Bros Baking Supplies, Florida)

Digging the candles and floating lights on the top tier - and of course all the flowers are dreamy.

I love that Day of the Dead designs are always so colorful, but can be anywhere from dark and dramatic:


(Dalila Cakes, Colombia)

To bright and fluorescent:


(DecoPac, online supplies)

WOW. If I had a sugar skull painting of me right now, it would have hearts for eyes.

Coco is easily the most popular Day of the Dead movie out there, but I want to shout out another one John and I liked:


(Maira Liboa Cakes, Argentina)

Book of Life! I need to see this movie again soon, I remember it being so beautiful.

And finally, this week's Sweet that made my jaw drop:


(Marie Josée, Quebec)

So realistic you almost expect her to open her eyes, right? Which is a little creepy, but so, so beautiful. ::happy sigh::

Feliz Día de los Muertos, my friends! Whether you celebrate or not, I hope you take a moment this week to remember your past loved ones, and as always, that your Sunday is extra Sweet.

P.S. In case you've never seen it before and are curious:

Book of Life

It's been years, but I remember a song from a matador apologizing to the bulls that had both me and John in tears, it was beautiful. Anyone else remember that?


And from my other blog, Epbot: