It Begins

♫ It's beginning to look a lot like ♪




Ev'rywhere you go
Take a look at that blog by Jen


It's pushing out wrecks again


With "candy canes"



And snowman sprains, oh no!



It's beginning to look a lot like




Balls on ev'ry tree



But the wreckiest sight you'll find



Are the Santas that "unwind"


...and you can't un-see!


Thanks to Nancy D., Anony M., Laura R., Ginny V., Lisa E., Hannah P., Eleanore R., & Carla R. for the jollies.


My friend Kate was telling me how she and some co-workers did a White Elephant exchange over Zoom this week: everyone showed pictures of appropriately sized boxes for what they planned to buy, then revealed the products as each person "unwrapped" it. Then at the end, they all ordered & mailed the gifts to each other! Genius!

If you have any White Elephant exchanges yourself this year, then this option's a real gas:

Tootin' Santa Butt Ornament

It farts Deck The Halls, y'all. How could you pass that up?


And from my other blog, Epbot: