Good Ol' Reliable Rex

How's this for a strange Monday, eh, minions? I mean, I'm always an anti-social hermit holed up with my cats and snacks, but this may be new territory for you lot. So on behalf of all anti-social introverts who work from home, allow me to just say... Welcome.

And listen, don't you worry. Whether you're spending extra time chilling at home or off scavenging Mad Max style for your neighborhood's last roll of toilet paper, some things never change.

Like the fact that you could ask your baker for "Happy March Birthdays" in a St. Patrick's theme... and get this:



And while you're at it:


You know what they say, once you go Irish.... you... look... delish?

 (I don't know, I panicked. WHAT.)

Some of you were worried they'd run out, but never fear:

Green snake bread is here.

(The fact that it's displayed with the Guinness seems to be a commentary of some sort...) 

Also here? Whatever these are:

And whatever this means:

GO U! I think. Is it a U? And why the middle cupcake? What is happening here? You know what, maybe we need Guinness with these, too. Better safe than sorry.

So remember, minions, today may be a bit strange, but you can always rely on the comforting snuggles of pets, the love of your family and friends, the vast beauty of untamed nature around you...


... and the fact that bakers will just never get the rainbow right.


Thanks to Erica L., Dion H., Emma D., Renee B., Jocelyn T., & Lindsay W. for the wrecky rainbow(?) connection.


It's no leprechaun, but I found another green magical creature who is WAY cuter:

Miniature Terrarium Dragon

This bitty dragon is SO CUTE, omigosh - and the comment reviews on Amazon are full of sweet little fairy gardens! I think I'd put her on my monitor, though, so I could look at her all day.


And new on my other blog, Epbot: