Mini Dog Nuts, Jedi Kitty, & BIG P

You and me both, Tiffany:


You and me both.


Her baby's name is Izzy, but apparently the bakery thought Bonnie was a fan of Japanese cars?



Meanwhile, Laura asked for a "big monogrammed P" on her cake:


I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping that would go a different way.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with this next cake, you guys:


It is glorious and should inspire all your future birthday cakes.



The History Of This Next Cake, Which Is Also My Favorite This Week:

Baker: "Oh wow, these icing roses turned out GORGEOUS!"

[head tilt]

...I should add a bunch of sh*t around them."



Thanks to Tiffany H., Bonnie F., Laura C., Dawna Z., & Mindy H. for helping me give John the best Valentines present: my man LOVES him some poop jokes. YOU'RE WELCOME, BABE.


Listen, I know it's super late to be buying a wall calendar, but this one is a 16-month anyway and DEMANDS to be seen:

Cat Wars 2020 Wall Calendar

(I'm guessing you can tell I searched for "Star Wars Kitty," ha.)

This thing has it all: heinously bad photoshopping, cats (and dogs, fish, & mice), and groan-worthy Star Wars quotes:

What's not to love?


And from my other blog, Epbot: