A Cake Full of Butter Lies

Birthday girl Jenna Claire is allergic to tree nuts. Unfortunately, this means she had to share her cake with "Trez Hats".


(If you think that handwriting is bad, imagine what the order form looked like.)


And for little Ava's birthday, her folks splurged and got her the lovechild of Satan and Minnie Mouse:


[chipmunk voice] "RED RUM RED RUMMMM..."


This was on the side of a wedding cake, so....


...looks like someone DID believe it's not butter.


And finally, the best cookie cake mic drop ever:




Thanks to Ryan U., Kaleigh E., KT, LJ, & Aleisha C. for the fond farewell.


And finally, because it made me laugh:

Ceramic "BUTTA" Dish


And from my other blog, Epbot: