Worst Wrecks In The 'Verse

Bad poetry is like a really bad analogy.

And super fun to write.


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day??





We were all so sorry
To hear of your fate,
We still don't know
How it escaped from the crate,



Movement In P Major

You are such fun
Second to none,
Indeed it's true,
You're not number 2



Belaboring The Point

I do not mean to vex
Or be overly complex
I'm awkward at showers
Would you have preferred flowers?
Ah well...



Getting It All Out There

You're the Duchess to my Duke
The Leia to my Luke
And when I think about you
I really want to


...feed you cake.


Thanks to Peter F., Sharon M., Brandy, James H., & Joel P. for finding no rhyme or reason to these wrecks.


P.S. Are you in the market for bad poetry in the form of "an unholy, unmerciful, but richly humorous book"?Then YOU ARE IN LUCK:

The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Bad Verse

This is going on my gift-list.


And from my other blog, Epbot: