Burger Points

Tips for making the perfect hamburger cake:

- Make it round




- Include appetizing toppings:


Tentacles and earth worms optional.


- Mini-burger cakes can be piles of fun!


(Garnish with corn sprinkles for an experience your customers won't be able to pass by.)


- To really add to the "burger" illusion, try a light sprinkling of sesame seeds:



- Or the ever-popular condiment rope:



- Just don't forget the icing!



- And to make your cakes extra memorable, throw in something unexpected. You know, like Funyons:


Believe me, your customers won't soon forget the pungent combination of onion powder and chocolate icing. No matter how hard they try.


- However, if you must make a fun "beverage" to go with your burger cake, NEVER MAKE IT CHOCOLATE.


And btw, to the baker who first thought filling one cup with chocolate icing was a good idea: it's too soon. It will ALWAYS be too soon.

(If you don't get it, for the love of Stay Puft, don't google it.)


- And finally, when all else fails:


Go with hot dogs.


Thanks to E., Martha R., Tharr, April R., Susan M., Amy M., K.F., & Stephanie M. for the grilling.


P.S. Any Bob's Burgers fans here?

The Bob's Burgers Burger Book

Even if you don't need another recipe book, I highly recommend browsing the Table of Contents for gems like "Poutine On The Ritz," "The Sound and the Curry," and "Texas Chainsaw Masa Curd." Hilarious.

And from my other blog, Epbot: