7 Break Room Cakes That Really Capture The Working Experience

Ahh, the break room cake. What can compare to that sugary harbinger of company-mandated merriment?

So since today is "Show & Tell Day At Work," and since we're not having THAT kind of celebration, here come a few gems from everyone's favorite Room Of Flickering Fluorescents & Microwaved Fish.

1) When you really hope someone double-checked:


Of course, you also hoped the baker would know how to spell "welcome," yet here we are.

2) The one perk to being on cake duty:


Blatant favoritism... to yourself. We see what you did there, Sandie.

3) Somewhere there's a Power Point citing this as a cost-effective morale-booster:


You're right, Dave, this is WAY better than bonuses.

4) Why you never let the "funny" co-worker order the cake:



5) Either Traci's having a baby or there's a new manager coming and we're all about to get fired:


Actually, given the way the boss #3 likes to combine occasions, it could be both. 

6) "Now, get back to work."


And finally:

 7) I'm really hoping Bob was a copy editor:


Two major misspellings, zero decoration, and wacky spacing - but it's the "BOb" making my eye twitch the most. Just me?

Thanks to Rachel K., Karen, Sheri T., Michael H., Amy J., Amanda M., & Ruth R. for going to work on these wrecks.


If you're blessed/cursed with a desk job, then these "Doggy Mood Cards" may be for you:

There are 24 different "moods" with hilarious doggy pictures you can flip to, like "In a meeting," "Keep walking," and "Get me out of here!”