Darth Vader Gets Wrecked
Minions, next month Star Wars will be 46 years old. And I know just how to celebrate:

...by mercilessly mocking Darth Vader cakes.
This one, for example, looks like a codfish.
Granted, I don't actually know what a codfish looks like, but I imagine it must be kind of silly and wet-looking, which makes them practically twins.
And this one fits "scruffy-looking nerf herder" to a T:

Wait - I just realized there's no "t" in "scruffy-looking nerf herder."
Ok, it fits it to a "scruffy-looking"
When I was a kid I found this nifty stone-texture spray paint at Home Depot, and proceeded to paint everything I could get my hands on, including my room's wall switches, door handles, and lamps. My parents were lucky people, y'all. Anyway, apparently this baker had the same fascination:

But at least this one is icing. So you really can't take it for granite.
Speaking of stone, I'm not sure what happened to this Darth:

...but it looks like he's having an avalanche.
And here's the one they found flattened under the rubble:

This is technically the best Darth of the bunch, and that's really saying something:

Something about sweat, and tears, and purple poo.
(Oh, you've never eaten a bunch of black fondant before? Then never mind.)
I saved my favorite for last, of course.
("I've got a bad feeling about this...")
Darth Droopy!

"Heavy bweathing."
You know what? That makes me sad.
Hey Heather S., Arielle C., Luci, Brenda J., Clare, Leah S., & Julie Anne D., who's your daddy?
P.S. If you like your Star Wars a little spicy, then this is for you:
THE SPICE MUST FLOW. Even when it's crossing the streams. Also that smooshy lil Vader grinder is adorable and only costs $16 Prime.