Happy Mothday, Moms!
Minions, there are LOTS of ways to tell Mom you love her for Mother's Day.

This isn't one of them.
Now, if you wanted to say something like, "There's a hole in my heart Mother can never fill," then this one's got you covered:

Or if you want a subtle commentary on the growing rift in your relationship:

Or even a whimsical illustration of how "Mom" has disappeared from the picture altogether!

Too depressing?
Then check this out:

Look at that border. I mean, really zoom in and study that technique.
Do you have more than one mom in your life?
Then why not rank them?

Is that a #1 or #2? I don't know.
And neither will she.
Speaking of seconds, here are two tries at "Mom, You're #1"

Both wrong.
Maybe you should go for the classic "ran out of room and combined both words" approach:

I have a feeling "Mothday" could really catch on.
Because when it comes to Mother's Day, minions, nothing compares to hearing Mom utter those five precious words:
"What's that supposed to mean?"

That's for the philosophers to decide, Mom. That's for the philosophers to decide.
Thanks to Rachel M., Annie T., Karra A., Robyn R., Sharla H., Emily R., Heather Y., Sharon B., Sherry, & my own mom, Sharon, who still reads this blog every day, and who deserves ALL the cakes, 'cuz she's awesome.
P.S. In case "Moth Day" takes off:
How gorgeous is this composition notebook?! It's filled with lined blank paper, and costs less than $6 Prime. Perfect for moms, moths, and people who like either of those things.