Painfully Honest Cakes
Remember, kids, if you can't say anything nice...

...say it with cake.
There’s nothing like good ol’ fashioned honesty, but before you go dropping those truth bombs, let's take a look at some ways you can be completely honest but still somewhat polite:

And my personal favorite:

Only works with Angelas, though.
I just realized if you read those three together, you get a short poem:
"You are tolerable.
You are slightly above average.
You are Angela."
I like it.
If you can be a little more effusive, there's also this option for a completely honest compliment:

"And hey, I mean that."
But let's be honest: 99% of the people you know are total jerkfaces, and the only reason we say nice things on their cakes is because it's their birthday and we want cake.
So here's a compromise: start with "happy birthday," and then throw in a little truth:

See, the exclamation mark makes it chipper!

The misspelling will confuse everyone long enough for us to make a run for it.
If you'd rather avoid all that conflict, though, then how about a general statement that everyone can agree on?

Thanks to Nichelle O., Gina G., Kristin S., Kitzy C., Joan A., Sarah C., Liz M., Doug K., & Michele D. for spouting off.
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