Sunday Sweets For Summer Weddings
Now that Summer is officially here, let's look at some cool summer wedding cakes, and imagine all of these with a heaping scoop of ice cream on the side. :D
Starting with the classiest dragonflies this side of the 1920s:

(By Mira Que Tarta)
I want to wear this whole cake in my hair. Yes, it would be awkward. BUT WORTH IT.

(By My Sweet Art)
And this gold leaf and pale peach reminds me of a warm summer sunset:

(By Sweet Bakes)
I feel like summer needs some bold, vivid colors, though. You know, the kind that smack you in the eyeballs with pure awesome? Like this:

(By Julia Marie Cakes)
Though I suppose the happiest summer shade has got to be yellow. Am I right?

(By Rose Gateaux)
And how perfect are those gray succulents with it? Mmmm.
I will forever drool over Emerald City green:

(By Eva Salazar)
And I don't know how they did that shimmery texture in the middle, but YES.
Now some pinks and oranges and greens?

(By Cakelava)
And all that textured white? Ahhhh. Yep. I'll take that, too, please.
Any Monet fans out there?

I like how velvety those lily pads looks. I want to pet them.
And last but never least, my favorite today goes... to the flamingos:

(By Good Gosh Ganache, featured here)
SQUEE! Hand-painted perfection. This has undone the damage of a hundred tacky lawn flamingos, all in one fell swoop.
Happy Sunday, everyone! Stay cool out there!