Thanks For Nothing, Pheven

October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so it was nice to see bakers doing their part:

AmberGar-FB-breastcancercookies.jpg make pink ribbons look like ding-a-lings.


Mary ordered a cupcake cake (patooie!) in the shape of a number 6 for her daughter, but I guess the baker ran out of cupcakes, so...


This birthday is brought to you by 3/4 of the number 0.

Thanks for nothing.


How Twitter has ruined us all:



And finally, Catherine told the baker her son's name was "Stephen with a PH."

She got this:


Thanks to Amber G., Mary G., Meredith N., & Catherine J. for the phweet phurprise.


Here's one for all you "Attoreys @ Law" out there:

Legal Decision Maker

It's a desk spinner!