Oh Stuff It

Unfortunately for us all, turkey cakes are a thing.
I guess I can live with this, but why - WHY - do bakers have to add the stuffing?

"Ahh, the ol' 'Fido's head exploded' design. Nice!


But can we add a few blood stains?"



"Now how about some moldy green bits? And can we make the turkey into a dirty paper bag?"



"Next, throw in a weird body cavity that makes everyone vaguely uncomfortable..."

"Oooh, and is that dog food in there? I LIKE. Give me more.


"Yes, yes, yes! AHAHAHAA!!!"


"But now I'm tired of stuffing. Let's go back to making those weird round ball things."





(Hey. Waaaiit a second.....)



Thanks to Karen M., Karen L., Meg, Amy B., Terri W., Jessica C., Laura W., Rebekah, & Cortney of Rock City Cake Co. for guaranteeing I'll never look at a turkey cake the same way again. (And for having a wicked sense of humor!)


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The Great Turkey Uprising

My friends, have your past turkey cakes failed to rise to the occasion?


Did they fall flat at inopportune moments?


Or did the mere sight of your turkeys give guests a sudden headache?

Well, not this year!

This year, bakers are erecting new and improved turkey cakes guaranteed to satisfy!

Your turkey will stand taller:


Serve more:


And keep those dinner guests coming!

Plus stay extra moist!


So forget all those disappointing performances of the past, and get ready to be extra thankful this year:

"Well, howdy, pilgrim."


Thanks to Zach C., Sara G., Rene R., Colleen W., Mia M., Mike L., Marty G. & Danny R. for the fowl play.

Important Note to Bakers: Pssst. Guys. Remember to put a face on it, so no one gets suspicious, mmkay? Mmmmkay. Thanks.



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