Aw, Some Sauce!


Thanks to Heather D., Jillian A., April B., Shawna K., & Lindsy for being... excellent.


P.S. Need to hide your eyes *and* listen to music or a good podcast? Then check THESE babies out:

Bluetooth Sleep Headphones

I listen to boring audio books on these every night to keep my brain from spinning out of control, which works wonders for my insomnia. These things have been a life saver: comfy enough for side sleeping, not too loud like some of my old speakers, they double as an eye mask, AND they're on sale this week for $16 Prime!


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sunday Sweets GOES SHOPPING!

With everyone in a shopping frenzy this weekend, I figured hey, why not make it a FEEDING frenzy... of shopping! Only, you know, in cake.

(This, uh, sounded better in my head.)

So, let's say you're shopping for a sweet Vera Bradley purse:

(Submitted by Jon A., made by Hall's Take The Cake)

BAM! That's totally cake!

So you'll have to keep looking.
But still. Amazing, right?


Adults can be hard to buy for, but I love shopping for little kids:

(By Mark Lie)

Yes, cake! I think only the bottom rockers are real wood.


(By Splendor Cakes)

Pew pew!


And the most perfect iPod delivery system:

(By Sweet Little Treat)



Of course, we big kids like our toys, too:

(By For the Love of Cake)


It helps if the person you're buying for has a hobby, of course. Like baking. Or storing cooking utensils in fancy jewelry bags:

(By Verusca Walker)


But it's hard to go wrong with a little bling for the ladies. Or a LOT of bling.

(By Yener's Way)


And don't let the fellas fool you; they like their bling, too:

(By Ron-Ben Israel Cakes)


Still, we all know the holidays are all about the GADGETS, am I right?

(By Sweet Jeelees)

Although I still refuse to recognize "phablet" as a word. I JUST WON'T DO IT.


Well, here's wishing you every shopping triumph this season, my friends. Oh, and remember to get something for everyone in the family, k?

(By CakeCentral User ClaraG)


Happy Sunday!


P.S. Speaking of our furry friends:

This is our cat Suki, and she luuuuurves these sticks so much I figured I should tell y'all about them.

Silvervine Cat Chew Sticks

If your cats don't react to catnip, try these; they're branches from a different plant with the same effect. My cats happen to love both, but I prefer Silvervine since the sticks are less messy than loose catnip, plus help clean their teeth.

Even better, a 10-pack of sticks is only $6, and they last forever. It's been 2 years and I'm still on my second pack. Every couple months I'll scrape off a little bark to expose more of the wood underneath, which freshens the effect; the cats are EXTRA interested afterward. (The sticks have no smell for humans, btw.) Highly, HIGHLY recommend for your feline friends.


And from my other blog, Epbot: