...But It's Still Better Than A Peach Candle

'Tis the season... TO RE-GIFT!

That's right, minions, now's the time to gather up all those unwanted soap sets, bottles of wine, and peach candles, and hastily foist them on your unsuspecting in-laws!

So in that spirit, I (re)give you: RE-GIFTED CAKES!

Ahh, but how do you re-gift a cake, you ask? Like this:


They'll never know.


Or like this!


Just blame the baker. After all these years, I've made that SUPER easy.


Is that office cake from last month still sitting around? PERFECT:




OK, but what if you only have one cake to re-gift, but lots of people to re-gift to?

Got ya covered:



Just like fancy soaps or DVDs, it's all about the packaging. As long as it's sealed properly, no one can question whether it's used or not!


Well, this one might raise a question or two.
Especially if you have chocolate smears on your face.


I like to have a re-gift cake on hand for those unexpected occasions:


Just fill in the blank!


Of course, sometimes a re-gifted cake needs a little work.

Like when you HAVE a pink-and-orange butterfly cake, but NEED a Spider-Man one.


BAM. Spiderweb-wrapped butterfly.

It's a re-gifted cake miracle!


Thanks to Cheri H., Amanda G., Michelle G., Becky, Eric A., Ben H., & Anony M. for the gifts that keep on giving.


P.S. Hey Spidey fans, LOOK HOW CUTE:

Spider-Man Pen Holder

No way this one is getting re-gifted.


And from my other blog, Epbot:

Sunday Sweets With Christmas Cheer

Egads, can you believe Christmas is this Wednesday?!

Don't focus on all that stuff you still have to do and buy and organize, though. Instead, let's just take a mini vacation, right here in this post. So, take a deep breath, clear your mind...


(By Vaganova Alina)


The little lamb! And the hand painted snowman!


The more I look at this one, the more I like it:


(By The Violet Cake Shop)

It's the patterns, right? And the kicky bow? Plus the gravity-defying wreath?


Now here's an elegant option:


(By Paul Bradford Sugarcraft School)

That stand is so clever; who would ever guess this is a cake and not just a fancy centerpiece?


I'm all about the knitted sweater texture on this top tier:


(By Splendor Cakes & More)

And the little pom-poms!!

In fact, all three tiers have some stellar textures going. If I'm not mistaken, the bottom trees are actually carved into the icing. Love that.


You wouldn't usually think of mint green and pink for Christmas colors, but LOOK:


(By Sweet K Cake Design)

Totally works, right?


The Santa face on this one is down right mesmerizing:


(By La Torta Perfetta)

HOW? It's so perfect!

Plus I'm a big fan of the top "candle" - that embedded tea light really sells it.


More non-traditional colors, in a simple modern design:


(By The Sugar Nursery, Cake Shop & Imaginarium)

I am loving the soft watercolor look. So fun!


Here we have both fun AND squee-inducing cuteness:


(By Cake Heaven)



And finally, my favorite this week, which has my favorite color AND a fairy blowing star kisses, so what's not to love?


(By Clairella Cakes)

I also love the color fades, and how the tree looks so feathery. Ahhh. Just dreamy.


Hope you all enjoyed your mini Christmas Sweet vacation! And listen, I know this time of year can be hard, so you guys be good to yourselves this week, k?


P.S. I've been shopping for new pajama pants, and so far I'm liking these:

Women's Stretch Lounge Pants

They come in so many pretty prints! Lots more to choose from at the link.


And from my other blog, Epbot: