Spring Me
Spring has officially begun, minions, so forget the forecast, throw on some flip-flops, and break out the finger flowers!
(At least it beats a knuckle sandwich? Yes? No? Shall I show myself out?)
Yep, there's nothing like Spring flowers, with all their bountiful riots of color:
...and cheer:
...and color:
...and unintentional wangs:
Those are some flowers with serious... stamen-a.
(Pollination humor HEYOOOO.)
So whether you're currently freezing your daisy dukes off or cranking the A/C like a pansy, here's wishing you a very:
I think it's Dutch.
Thanks to Amy H., Heather B., Sara S., Mica, Ashley F., & Steven V. for putting the "zing" back in "Speinz." Or something. I dunno. Look, it's Friday. You're lucky I'm even HERE today.
And from my other blog, Epbot: