Putting Their Best Feet Forward
Ok, this is going to be toe-tally corny, but I'm doing it solely for the laughs.
[pregnant pause]
Ta Da!
I get the impression you'd have to be a real heel to belly up to this baby shower cake. Eh?
Yep, the belly cakes just keep getting better and better, folks. I mean, sure, the headless, limbless preggo torso was undeniably appetizing for a while, but it's nice to see bakers reproducing some with a bit more kick, don't you think?
Er...Either this baby is reeeally flexible, or she's going to need some corrective shoes later in life.
So, today: fetal feet.
Tomorrow: fetal faces?
Ahh, we can only hope.
MK & Rose S., these babies really stomp out the competition, don't they?
- Related Wreckage: Return of the Belly Cake