Patriot Day
Today you're going to see a lot of beautiful and touching 9/11 tributes. That's good. If you're like me, you're going to get a little teary-eyed, and maybe it will be a bit harder to remember all the little things you usually laugh about. Maybe that's why you're here. And you know what? That's good, too. We should celebrate our heroes. We should remember our loved ones. But we should also - and with great pride, I might add - eat patriotic donut holes.
Oh. Well, as long as it's printed on the label, then I guess it's Ok. Remember, if you don't eat your Patriotic Donut Holes, the terrorists win!
Although now that I'm looking at these things, I do see a problem: There are only red and white donut holes. No blue! Don't think I don't see what's going on here, either. That's right, Canada: I'm watching you.
Those are rather generic for Patriot Day, though, don't you think? Can we get something a little more...I dunno, holiday-specific?
Oh yes, they did. The twin towers...on a cupcake cake. (Patooie!) Wow. And...fireworks? Um. Ohhh kaaay. (Let the debate begin, again!)Right, maybe we should head back into the generic territory:
to work out with teensy little dumbbells. Or turn that frown upside down - twice. Or maybe just enroll in an art class. (Uncle Sam can be a little hard to understand sometimes.)Hm. Look, there has to be a middle ground between donut holes and icing depictions of the towers, right? How about just a nice, uplifting, appropriately-worded sentiment?

- Related Wreckage: A Cake Wrecks Salute