Something About Moose celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving.
[cranking up Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On"]
Yes, friends, today...we...CELEBRATE....allthingsCanadian. Which....INCLUDES....WilliamShatner. (aka Captain Kirk)
And as we all know, Captain Kirk "boldy goes:"
But let's get back to Canada, shall we? CANADA! The country with a "can-do" attitude!
Or is that a "can-da" attitude? The accent always throws me.
Besides, today is Canadian Thanksgiving - or, as the native Canadians know it, "Thanksgiving."
I'm told it's pretty much like American Thanksgiving, only with a Canadian flair:
Canadians also don't have any Pilgrims in their Thanksgiving story. So instead, here's an evil mutant ladybug:

But riddle me this, Canada: have you ever seen a turkey fly?
Update: Anneke submitted this awesome video in the comments. And you have to admit: nothing says "Canada" like an adorably polite talking beaver. Am I right?