I don't know why, but for some reason I'm just not sure what these bakers are trying to tell us...

Let's see. Santa is face down in a heap.
So...Merry Christmas?
Maybe it's better if we flip him over.

And now, a seasonal tongue-twister:

Sam the snowman shot a sheet of snowy sleet!
Aaaand, repeat. (Three times fast, if you please.)
When it comes to wrecking cakes, this baker hits just above the belt:

Now, since there's obviously a space there for an inscription, I've been trying to come up with something appropriate.
Ho Ho...no.
And to all a good...no.
Er, yeah, I'll just have to get back to you.

Actually, this kinda works if you're Irish. Go on: say it out loud. In your best Colin Farrell voice. With a sexy wink. Oh yeeeeeah. This working for anyone else? Just me? Hey, I'm ok with that.
At least we can all agree that nothing conveys holiday cheer quite like an icing dog with Santa's head on his butt:
"Woof woof, b*tches."And now, Rudolph of the red nose himself would like to wish you all the
merriest of Christmases:

Uh, well, since Rudolph is...
hung up... at the moment, let's just end with this:

Althoug I reall do'n se wha th proble i.
Thanks to A. L., Brannon M., Rob R., Mouse, Suzie T., Katelyn C., Kelly, & Kristin. May you all marry Christmas. Or have a Mary Christmas. Or, um, GOOD DAY.
CCC Day #12
Free Wheelchair Mission is an international nonprofit dedicated to providing wheelchairs for the impoverished disabled in developing nations. It takes less than $60 to provide someone in need with a means of mobility.
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(And thanks for sticking through our twelve days of giving, guys! You rock!)