Some days you've really got to wonder: just what are they doing in bakeries these days?

And more importantly: if we ask, will they share?
After all, anyone who makes something like this:
(Blueberry iced cupcakes topped with wrapped cinnamon gum? Score!) clearly beyond the party-pooping cares of "reality."
In fact, sometimes I come across a cake so bizarre, so insane, so what-were-they-thinking?? nuts, that I have no choice but to tip the ol' metaphorical hat in respect.

Styrofoam cup embedded in mold-flecked balls of yellow "soda" surrounded by a poo wall?
[tipping hat] Well played, master Wreckerator. Well played.
Megan A., Desiree C., & Amber T., I wouldn't recommend zooming in on that "soda" unless you're on a diet.
- Related Wreckage: Merci!