Shocked, I say!
I mean, as I understand it
ol' Patrick was a pretty conservative guy. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that the whole "Kiss me, I'm Irish" thing was
not his idea.
Apparently they needed all of the capital "I"s for "IRISH."
(And as we all know, the Irish hate apostrophes.)Still, someone needs to tell these cookie cakes to stop giving us lip. Mostly because their lips are deeply, deeply disturbing:
First tell me what "Irist" means, and then we'll discuss which display of affection I'm comfortable giving you. Mmkay?Given all the suggestive suggestions being suggested, you might think Wreckerators would be more mindful of their capital "L"s, too:
Granted, that yellow magnet does "suck," but blaming it on the Irish is a pretty polarizing move.Let's end on a more positive note, though. After all, it is Saint Patrick's Day, and I'm sure he would appreciate a more appropriate expression of celebration.

Aw, that's doing Ireland proud, right there.
Btw, when did Peppermint Patties
get canonized? (Not that I'm complaining, mind you; they are quite heavenly.) Ok, forget appropriate expressions of celebration. Let's go out with one final insult to dear St. Pat:

[brightly] Today's word, boys and girls, is "prat."
Prat.It has some really fun meanings, too, kids. Why don't you go look it up in the dictionary with your parents?
Terri J., Margaret C., Madeline, Chris H., Cathy W.,& Ruth S., since no one else is gonna say it, I guess I will: Happy St. Patricia's Day!
- Related Wreckage: FunnyUpdate: Apparently, St. Patrick was actually Welsh. Or was it English? Ohhh... and then he was kidnapped by Irish pirates. But he later returned to England to marry Buttercup after many madcap adventures with a giant, a Spaniard and an angry little man with a lisp. Everybody clear? Good, good...