When Irish Guys Are Dialing
Today, on behalf of Ireland, the Irish, and people who like Guinness, allow me to say:

And wait'll he hears about his promotion!
I'm not sure if I should salute or cross myself.
Now, there's a stereotype floating around that we Irish like to drink.
I don't know where this comes from.
And frankly, if I were able to see straight or type this without developing motion sickness, I'd be extremely offended. [hic]
Hey, look! A green golf bag! How appropriate!
[head tilt]
Wait, no. That's Scotland. Sorry. I always get Craig Ferguson and Colin Farrell mixed up.
That's Scotland again, isn't it?

"Aye, yore a pritty one, ar'ntcha?"
"Forget those lucky charms, lass, I've got yore pot o' gold right here!"
Yep, we Irish can be a bit creepy. It's part of our charm.
Rock on, Colin. Rock. On.