Just one week left 'til Christmas (!!), and the wrecks you guys are sending in just keep getting more bizarre by the day:
"...and all the acid rain and pollution seeped into Frosty's body, turning him into a petrified statue of ash, all because someone didn't take out the recycling when his parents asked.

Is this:
A) The Eye of Sauron
B) A taco wearing a corset
C) The Eye of Sauron wearing a corset
D) Real life?
You might think the simplest, easiest option would be an elegant red bow on a plain white cake.
But, CLEARLY, you would be wrong.
(What did the baker use for a piping tip? His teeth?)
This next one is tentacly titled "I'm dreaming of a Cthulhu Christmas."
Wondering what those are supposed to be? So was I, until Sarah sent in this photo from a different store:
(Yes, yes, I know it's supposed to be a tree. I just refuse to accept it.)
And finally, a little holiday math for you:
Angels we have heard below
Softly singing "oh-hh noooOooo!"
Thanks to wreckporters Elizabeth T., Tina, Gene H., Jill W., Billy G., Sarah L., & Amy V. for giving Sharyn a starting point for today's song re-write in the comments. (Challenge: ISSUED.)
Please consider giving to our two featured charities this year, charity: water and Give Kids the World. Learn more about them and find links to our campaign pages here.