8 Cakes For Completely Inappropriate Occasions

I'm a firm believer in celebrating just about everything with cake, and from the submissions you guys send in I'm clearly not the only one.  However, there's celebrating, say, a new vasectomy or Daddy's parole, and then there's the stuff that some people might consider, well, inappropriate cake material.

 Not me, of course. No sir! Heck, I say, you wanna get pregnant? Then SAY IT WITH CAKE:


Or you're happy you DIDN'T get pregnant? Say THAT with cake.


Let's say your friend Cory suffered a nasty seizure recently. That warrants a cookie cake, right?

(Remember, kids: It's "i before e except after c." Except in the word "seizure.")


And remember that time your friend lost a finger to the lawn mower? Just in case he doesn't, let's remind him! With cake!  

I like how this is less a "get well" cake, and more an "IN YOUR FACE! With love from the Lawn Mower" cake.


Driving while intoxicated is a serious crime, so be sure to tell your friends you won't stand for such behavior. Also with cake.

I like to imagine the candles are mini breathalyzers. 

(How cool would that invention be? Right? I'll make millions. MILLIONS, I say!)


The world is too success-oriented. We should be sending a better message to younger generations. A message that says, "Hey, no matter what, at least you'll get a cake out of this."


Dangit. Why don't I know any lady farmers to give this to? WHY?!

 (PS - You misspelled "Awesome." But I'll let it slide, because melons.)



And finally, my favorite: 

Hang on... we get cake for that? 


Thanks to Anony M., Katelyn, KG, Paul S., Paige S., April B., & Stephanie K. for the inspiration.