What A Dad Wants

Every dad is different, of course, but as Father's Day draws near let's take a moment to consider a few things most dads do enjoy:


You know, like reading his kids an uplifting bedtime story:


And then tucking them into bed:


Maybe your dad is an animal lover:


Or just likes relaxing outdoors, watching the butterflies flit by...


Maybe he's the type to really throw himself into his work at the DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant:


Or he might prefer getting a little more down and dirty in his off time:

 ... on his dirt bike.


Whatever your own dad is like, though, I think we can agree that every dad lives for that one shining, special moment: the one that will change his life forever.


The moment HE gets to order the baby shower cake:



Thanks to Lindsey W., Gina C., Anna C., Lizz R., Elizabeth E., Rebecca, & Julie L. for getting all that off their chests.