Bakery Grammar 101
Grammar Rules for Bakers
Avoid commas, That are not, necessary.
Consult a dictionery to avoid mispelings.
""Avoid" "overuse" "of" "quotation" "marks.""
Prepositions are something you never end a sentence with.
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Only use apostrophe's when its the proper time.
Don't overuse exclamation points!!!!!!!!!
Always hyphenate between syllables, and avoid un-necessary hyp- henation.
No sentence fragments
See? Piece of cake!
Next week: Dangling participles!
There, they're, their. Put down the red correcting pens long enough to thank Lynne S., Malory M., Donna M., Marlese L., Allison C., Jennifer B., Samuel, Maria, Meris, and Gamal A., whose grammar is always perfect.
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