Friday Favs 7/31/15
Some of my favorite new submissions this week.
It took me entirely too long to realize this IS in English:
Spacing: the Final Frontier of Wreckerating
Judging by the CW Facebook page, I see I've trained you wrecky minions well:
I approve.
And just in time for Cheesecake Day (which was yesterday):
(Btw, if it's been a while since you've seen my FB updates, here's a new & easy fix: on the CW page, under "Liked" at the top, click "See First." You'll never miss the wrecky lolz again!)
At first I thought it was a hot dog.
Then maybe a bowel re-section.
Now I just want to stop looking at it:
Somebody help me stop looking at it.
To quote JoAnna, who sent this in, "Mmmm, rope fibers!"
And I agree, JoAnna; the clumps of gold glitter really DO make it extra "beachy."
And finally, while not professional, this made me laugh out loud:
Video game-specific apology cakes? YES, PLEASE.
Heck, I think this should become a trend. A few more suggestions:
"Sorry I Played Skyrim For 6 Weeks Straight"
"Sorry I Won't Play Portal Co-Op With You Because You're Better At It And It's Annoying"
"Sorry For Beating Your High Score On Angry Birds"
"Sorry I Woke You Up At 3AM Because BioShock Was Scary"
"Sorry I Keep Talking To Claptrap" (WUB WUB!)
Thanks to Nancy E., Kristen F., Annie B., Ashley R., JoAnna H., & Anony M. for the beat-boxin' giggles.
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