Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, Happy Birthday song!

You know what's coming next.

[loudly and off key]

♫ Haaaaaappy... ♪


...to you!




...to you!



Well, you get the idea.

('Butthday' is my favorite.)




Thanks to Lisa M., Kelsey D., Jason M., Stacie H., Melanie W., Whitney K., Ruth C., Rachel V., Jill, Dena, Carrie K., Tina W., & Rachel M., who I bet all agree with me that the birthday song is the worst. Along with anything else you're forced to sing at fellow adults in restaurants. And don't get me started on those funny paper hats. Have I mentioned I'm an introvert? DON'T SING TO ME. But leave the cake. And a fork. No, I'm not sharing. WHAT.


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