If Cake Croutons Become A Thing, I WANT CREDIT

It's the day before Thanksgiving here in America, my friends, but ALL of us could stand to be more thankful for the little things in life.

Like turkeys giving birth to pilgrim hats:


And old Halloween flotsam:


For floating scarecrow heads:


Desperate store managers trying to get rid of old stock:


And spurting turkey cannons:


For turkeys with exploding butts:

("My bad.")


And sad pilgrim heads:


For goobles:


And gobles:


And all those many, many Thanks Given:

Not to mention all the bakers who actually think it's spelled that way.


For giant salads with cake croutons:

(I dunno. But I like it.)


And for knowing that, while you can't polish a turd, you CAN stick a paper tail in it and call it a turd-key:


But most of all, lets be thankful for our friends, our family, and for this guy:

Because, c'mon, look at him.


Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, minions! Maybe have the pie.


Also giving thanks for Shannon R., Marah S., Lucretia J., Chris H., Sabrina K., Lee V., Sarah S., Juanita G., Pamela T., Christopher F., James L., Tanya D., & Diane G. Gooble 'til ya drooble, guys.


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