Sunday Sweets: New Year's Delusions
As we recover from our holiday revelry and look forward to 2018, it's time for that most dreaded of traditions: making our new year's resolutions.
Of course we all know what the first one will be, so let's get that out of the way first:
(Submitted by Rachel K-L and found here.)
We will eat nothing but healthy fruits and vegetables for, like, at least a month.
But of course eating better isn't enough! We also have to run!
(By Sugar Sweet Cakes and Treats)
And apparently not just during commercial breaks. Bah.
Maybe Yoga would be easier:
(By Bratty Cakes)
This reminds me of one of my favorite cat pictures. No, no, I won't spoil it; just go see.
Oh, and this year we will get organized. We will sort and purge and scrub until our homes and garages are begging for mercy:
(By Jocelyn Burtis of Sugarbelle Cakes )
And we are going to save SO MUCH money:
(By Cakes by Sandy)
So we can finally take that trip!
(By Polkadots Cupcake Factory)
And then we're going to start that garden out back:
(By Cakewalk Catering)
And we're going to learn to knit. Or crochet.
Right after we learn the difference between knitting and crocheting.
And you know that button on the camera? The one on the side? Well, this year, we're going to learn what that does.
(By Studio Cake)
And we're going to read more:
(Submitted by Quay W. and made by The Cake Whisperer)
And finally finish that novel:
(By Little "Miss" OC's Kitchen)
And watch less TV!
(By Calamity Cakes)
[head tilt]
No, you're right; that's just crazy talk.
Besides, we have to save SOMETHING for next year, right?
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