Name That Wrong

I'm old.

I know this because my shoulder hurts right now and I want to tell absolutely everyone about it. Also, I don't like the rap music.

So when I hear of some unbearably trying-too-hard celebrity naming their kid Pirate* or Audio Science* or Banjo*, I get offended in a way that only we Americans are bored enough to get.

[*Actual celebrity kid names.]

For instance:


Are these names? Are they mistakes? The world may never know.
But by golly, we can assume the worst and get ticked off anyway.



The only thing more confusing than the words are the decorations. Are those... targets?



It must be heck figuring out which basket is hers.



Funny, he doesn't look like a "Pin." More like a "Nougat" or "Flip Phone," am I right?


Thanks to Linda O., Evy C., Kaycee G., Mary G., & Rusti B., who will all now be known as "Betty." And you can call me Al.


I don't have a segue, I just think this witchy spoon rest is cute:

Agatha Spoon Holder & Steam Release (#ad)


And from my other blog, Epbot: