That's Like The OPPOSITE Of A Pot Of Gold

When CW reader Michelle ordered her 6-year-old daughter's birthday cake, she decided to stick with something classic: a rainbow. That's right, just a niiiice, simple rainbow, "with a cloud on either end."


As it turned out, though, Michelle's baker MAY have been a little hard of hearing.


Let's be honest: the clown heads aren't the problem here. It's the pile of poopy brown icing UNDER the clown heads, am I right?


Thanks to Michelle K. for proving sometimes it IS your circus, and your monkeys cloud clowns.


And now, for the tiny cross-section of people who like puns, poop jokes, babies, and the song "Whoomp There It is," allow me to present:

"Poop! There It Is" Baby Onesie

It is also comes in 4 other colors, in case black isn't your number 2 choice. :D


And from my other blog, Epbot: