Why Is It Always Clowns?

And now, the conclusion of Jen living out her dreams of being a Richard Marx cover band. 

(Wait, can one person be a band? Am I a one-woman-Marx band? Huh. Tell you what, let's skip this discussion and just get on with the rest of the song. Unless you missed Part 1 yesterday. Then click here first.)

I took for granted, all the dyes


That I thought would last somehow

I hear the laughter, I sense the fears


Why is it always clowns?

Oh can't you see it, bak'ry


Your old windows are cray-cray

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
They will be wrecked here, waiting for you


For how long it takes,

Until this clown wakes


They will be wrecked here, waiting for you.


[whispers] Waiting for youuuuu.

Thanks to Meg M., Jen V., Laura J., Jeannine A., & Thy D. for that surprisingly creepy turn at the end there. Way to bring it home.


Don't worry, I won't terrify you with any more clowns down here. Instead, how about we go back to our cleaning theme with these adorable dusters?

Microfiber Hedgehog Mitten Dusters


And from my other blog, Epbot: