You Make Me Feel Like A Natural WHOA MAN
I was so excited about today being National Photography Day, minions, and then I realized I didn't have my glasses on and it's actually Nature Photography Day.
(Get it?)
So in true Wreckerator fashion, I will now blindly carry on with what I THOUGHT my calendar said, because I'm too lazy to pick different cakes. Enjoy.
Ahem 'hem hem.
::deep movie-announcer voice::
This modern marvel has brought us many wonders.
It allows us to see ourselves... as we've never seen ourselves before.
::long, judgmental pause::
Photography lets our parents embarrass us forever:
Where would we be without photography?
(Er, that was actually a rhetorical question, but cool.)
And let us not forget the most important, groundbreaking, and often mind-blowing work of photography:
The fact that it lets us post pictures of cakes of pictures of cakes on our cakes:
Thanks to Chaely C., Haley D., Anony M., Kam G., & Stephanie K. for letting us yowl at the moon.