Baby Gilbert Better Be The Pirate Ship, Is All I'm Saying
Warning: Fondant nipples ahead
(And I love my job.)
I've never had to tell anyone they're pregnant, but I like to think I'd do it with style.
You know, like this:

Wait for it.
See, that's what we call a... PREGNANT PAUSE.
(Bonus points if it's not his birthday.)
Mom-to-be Anne wanted her bakery to really emphasize the "ARE," and boy did they:

Please be a pirate please be a pirate pleasebeapirate.
Which brings me to something's that's not so much a pregnancy announcement as it is an object lesson in the importance of proper comma usage:

And last but most disturbing, I decided to see if we have any "pirate baby" cakes in the ol' CW archives. You know, just to fit the theme.
Guys, my search DID NOT DISAPPOINT:

One of you did this. ONE OF YOUUUUU.
::high five::
Thanks to Leah R., Anne M., Bradford C., & Brianna E., who should know that John and I did discuss censoring the top, but ultimately decided to Free The Nipple Carrot Jockeys.
And from my other blog, Epbot: