Death By Giant Ice Cream Cone And Other Life Goals




I don't want to eat them; I just want to order a couple. Loudly.

"Steamrolled Minnie"

Anyone else having Roger Rabbit flashbacks?

(On the plus side, now she qualifies for flat-rate shipping!)


"When A Farewell Turns Curiously Personal"

Wreck or no? Me, I could go either way.

Have you heard? "Death by Chocolate" is so last week.

The newest trend in desserts is "Death by Giant Ice Cream Cone."

Now we just need a man biscuit topped with a chocolate piano.

"Mischief Managed"

Best. Wedding display. Ever.

Thanks to Sam D., Julie R., Karen B., Letty B., & Jennifer C. for man biscuits. Obviously.


And from my other blog, Epbot: