Directionally Challenged

What happened to these wrecks?


But I bet you can figure it out.


And now, your wrecky moment of Zen:

Dawn actually wanted a cake wreck for her friend's birthday, so she asked her bakery to misspell the name and write, "Hearts and sprinkles" on the edges - but with NO hearts or sprinkles on the cake. Instead, what did she get?

"Hearts and Sprinkles! They even spelled Lindsey's name right!," Dawn writes. "That should tell you just how rare and wonderful it is to get a Cake Wreck. You can't even order them!"

Nice try, Dawn, but this just goes to show: a determined wrecker can even wreck a wreck.

Thanks to Denise B., Jen J., Jennifer S., Lindsay F., Sarah F., Make A., and Dawn O. on top and underneat that, a big smiley face.


And now… Care Bears Sprinkles!!!!!