
'Twas the night before Halloween

And all through the bakery

'Twere this stuff:

And this stuff:

And all kinds of fakery:

("Happy CHALLAH-ween! Haha! See what I did there? Eh? EH??"

"Stop talking.")

The sperm ghosts were piped onto basketballs with care:

But we're pretty sure this one was done on a dare:

Shoplifting ghosts

make a run for the door

While Frank with two man buns

croaks, "NEVERMORE"

Doll hair mixed with icing

does the work of the devil

While amoeba ghosts haunt

on a molecular level:

(Q: Why are amoebas bad at running prisons?

A: Because they only have one cell!)

Candy corns "ARRRR"

And bowling balls fly

Don't like these wrecks?

Then here:


Hats off to Patty A., Emily C., Anony M., Marianne F., Chris B., Rebekah W., Katrina V., Kimberly W., Amy T., Katie R., & Andrea O. for the excellent wreckporting.


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