If you're not one of the people complaining about the heat right now, then you're one of the people complaining about the people complaining about the heat.
Either way, we all have the same problem:

Bad bikini cakes.
Yep, this heat wave has clearly addled bakers' brains, my friends, and the results simply aren't pretty.

Unless maybe you're looking for two trees in a Seuss-ian landscape.
[head tilt]

Whoah. It's like I can't even see the disembodied torso!
[singing] The hills are ALIIIIVE...

With butterfly CENsor dots!
No, wait. I have a better song.
(Ahem hem hem.)
From the MOUNT-ains,
To the VAL-leys,

To the OH-shoot!
Is that a THOOOOONG?
GOOOOOD bless America!

Oooohhh soooo wroooong!
Thanks to Heather R., Melissa D., Heather H., Ellen G., & Ginny, who will never look at a heart cookie the same way again.
Speaking of hot, Jen got me one of these neck fans and it’s an absolute must have for this summer heat: