My Little Tony: Wreckage is Tragic
Remember the Italian bakery that accidentally mistook a little girl's My Little Pony cake order for a Little TONY cake order?

(Apparently Little Tony was a singer back in the early 60s.)
(So, you know, SUPER popular with today's 9-year-olds.)
Of course we feel for little Evelina, having to endure an obscure 60's crooner stealing Pinkie Pie's rightful spotlight - but this being Cake Wrecks, we've also discovered the OTHER side of the wrecky coin.
Meet Tony, the birthday boy who just wanted his own name on his birthday cake:

....and maybe for people to stop stacking their laundry on it.
Ah, but you're in luck! We ordered you a new cake, Tony, and we even asked the baker to add some crushed nuts on top, since we heard you like those.

Well, ain't that a kick in the... head.
Thanks to Eva G., Bridgett M., & Whitney N., who actually wanted her cake to look like that... so I recommend staying on her good side.
And here’s something for anyone feeling especially Mount Doom & gloom today:
Because one does not simply walk into Mordor. Eh? EH?