Please Be A Joke Please Be A Joke Please Be A Joke...

A couple of eagle-eyed wreckporters found a local ad I think you'll agree speaks for itself:


"Top of the line," "cakes start at $200," and "no rude comments"?

Yep, nothing I can add here.

But in case you were wondering, "Just how long is Minnie's chin??" It's this long:


All yours for the low, low prices of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE DOLLARS. And that's a U.S. ad, so sadly there's no chance of a foreign exchange rate that equals out to "I'm Make Cakes" paying YOU a few bucks, which we all know would be the only reasonable price.


Thanks, Beth M. & Mandi J.! Now, why the long face?


P.S. Here's something cute to remind you what Minnie's supposed to look like: