This Cake's Got Balls. (No, Like Literally.)
Hey, do you know what Truck Nuts are?
If you do, congrats, you're from the South like me. YEEHAW AND HOWDY.
For the rest of you, Truck Nuts are dangling testicles for your truck. I wish I was making this up.
Anyway, the reason I mention Truck Nuts (besides seeing how many times I can type "Truck Nuts" in this post) is because NOW THEY MAKE THEM FOR CAKES, and the world will never be same.
(Hamilton high five heyooooo)
(Truck Nuts Truck Nuts Truck Nuts Truck Nuts)
Y'all ready for this?
Keep scrolling; this needs a proper build up.
And while I've got you here, I'm open to suggestions on how to post this to Facebook without getting banned.
Almost there, now.
Still ready?
Here we go:
But not like that.
OK, for real now:

Great Blushing Beefy Bow-Balls, Batman!
I'll give you a moment.
Honestly, there's something almost poetic about a sparkly pink cake with balls. It says, "Hey, I like sparkly pink cake and bows, AND I HAVE BALLS." Y'know? [nodding] Yeah. I like that.
Thanks to Rebecca H. for really busting our preconceived ideas about masculinity.